In 2024, the Redefining Work team accomplished a lot. Thanks to the support of our community, our team of volunteers, funders and activist peers we were able to host community events, educate our community and launch our Redefining Work Survey.
In 2025, we are excited to take this work even further towards the actualization of climate-responsive OSH legislation.
About Caribbean Feminist
We at Caribbean Feminist are committed to building a more gender-just and equitable Caribbean. Through our advocacy, we aim to dismantle intersectional systems of oppression and uplift the voices of historically marginalised communities, including women, girls, and gender-diverse youth. Through our digital content, campaigns and programs we address gender inequality, gender-based violence, climate change, LGBTQ+ rights and other social issues.
Campaign Objectives

The Redefining Work Series focuses on the realities of workers and the resistance to recognizing their autonomy in the workplace. It centres actions to enforce safety, care, resources, and support for workers and communities against hazardous and exploitative work practices.
In the Caribbean, harmful working conditions persist, resulting in detrimental outcomes for workers for financial profits. This series serves as a platform to address workers’ challenges and unsafe work practices and call for a shift to equitable, gender-responsive, and inclusive working environments.
Our objectives focus on public education and awareness, mobilization and solidarity within communities, thorough and inclusive research and analysis, and the development of policy recommendations to protect workers and communities.
Through a gender-responsive lens, this project aims to address how workers are continually impacted by harmful and hazardous working conditions and to a greater extent, how such conditions pose imminent risks for all forms of life and the environment.
Community Outreach
As a critical component of this project, the team has facilitated three in-person events for community outreach, education, and collective support.

Through the three in-person events held in 2024, the team engaged with attendees of various identities and backgrounds.
Read our full 2024 Impact Report Now: